Marsha's Blog
Welcome to Marsha Hankins’ blog
“I hope you enjoy this combination of original posts, classic parables, and channeled messages that cover a wide range of spiritual topics. I always appreciate your feedback so please submit comments at the end of each post when it feels right for you.”
Have you ever been to a fair or an amusement park and played in the House of Mirrors? It is a fascinating place. No matter which direction you turn, you see yourself. Each mirror gives you a different view of who you are. And no matter how silly you look—short, tall, fat, skinny, bent—you know you’re looking at yourself.
I rarely quote myself, but I have been guided to this line from my book several times this week. When something pops up this often, I feel I should share it.
Being love is the only way home. It is the only way to true peace, compassion, and serenity. These postcards from Source remind us who are.
Sincerity is one of the most important resonances in our lives as spiritual beings. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to sort through the words and deeds of other to know if they are being genuine or not. However, we can focus on ourselves, raise our frequencies, and model sincerity in our lives.
Round and round we go on the Wheel of Dharma as we move through the cycles of reincarnation. When does it end? You are closer than you think.
Be at peace, Beloved, and know that all is well. All is in order and all is progressing as it should, as it is designed to be. These postcards from Source remind us who are.