Marsha's Blog

Welcome to Marsha Hankins’s blog.

“I hope you enjoy this combination of original posts, classic parables, and channeled messages that cover a wide range of spiritual topics. I always appreciate your feedback so please submit comments at the end of each post when it feels right for you.”


Welcome to Marsha Hankins’ blog

“I hope you enjoy this combination of original posts, classic parables, and channeled messages that cover a wide range of spiritual topics. I always appreciate your feedback so please submit comments at the end of each post when it feels right for you.”

Getting Off the Wheel of Dharma

Round and round we go on the Wheel of Dharma as we move through the cycles of reincarnation. When does it end? You are closer than you think.

A Postcard from Source #27

Be at peace, Beloved, and know that all is well. All is in order and all is progressing as it should, as it is designed to be. These postcards from Source remind us who are.

Stay Present and Reverent in the Moment

To remind priests and students to stay present and reverent in the moment, many Buddhist temples have a special bell. When anyone in the temple becomes aware that they are not focused fully on what they are doing, or are worried over something, they can ring the bell to remind everyone to come back to center.

A Postcard from Source #26

Feel the joy in who you are. You have so much to share. Celebrate it. These postcards from Source remind us who are.

I’m feeling the heat, and I bet you are, too. Last month, I wrote about reclaiming your spiritual identity, including the lower-self’s fear of letting go of the illusion to move into unknow territory. But we are not moving into unknown territory. We are moving into unremembered territory.

Your light is so bright. Let it shine fully and completely for all to see. Do not let hard times cause you to dim your light. Instead, allow those times to give you the strength and inspiration to shine even brighter.

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