What’s gossip, and what’s not? Good question! I bring up this topic because several people have asked me recently if they were gossiping or sharing, and if there is a difference. There is a difference, but discernment is needed to know that difference. And just because something is not necessarily gossip does not necessarily mean it should be shared. Confused?
Defining Gossip
I have heard other spiritual teachers say that ever talking about another person in any way is gossip. I believe we need to refine that definition to include the intention. It’s not the what, it’s the why. (I know I have been repeating that a great deal lately, but Source has a reason for that.)
Both the Oxford Dictionary and Webster say that gossip is casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details that are not confirmed as being true. It sensationalizes and shares “secrets,” whether they are known to be true, or not.
Sometimes gossip is intended to be hurtful and other times it is hurtful unintentionally. The important question is, “Why am I saying this?” What is the purpose of the conversation? Do I know if this is true, and why am I talking about it?
There are times when discussing or sharing information about others is in spiritual alignment. How do you know? You get clear and go to your guidance, of course.
The Quiet Masters
Many people have noticed how little the great yogis, gurus, and other masters speak. They are often totally silent in conversations, and many times will not answer questions or make comments when asked. Why?
There are several answers. One is that they have reached of level of quiet mind where they have little to no thought. They may also sit in a place of neutrality and make no observations—they choose only to experience the moment. And they may be pushing others to find their own answers and come to their own conclusions.
However, when they make comments, they open themselves to misunderstanding, misperception, and judgment. If they make a non-biased observation about what they see as merely facts, those who do not understand the comment can see it as a statement of right or wrong. These listeners can jump on the bandwagon, tell others what Master So-in-So said, and create a completely wrong impression.
In today’s world of social media and cancel culture, rumors and gossip can spread like wildfire. Most people do not take time to check facts, much less know how to go to guidance for truth and right action. But you are wiser.
What Do You Do?
First, use your discernment to understand why you are about to say what you are about to say. Ask your guidance if this is an appropriate conversation, then speak your truth.
Next, use your discernment to understand what is really being said, why it is being said, if it is true, and if it has a higher purpose.
Kris Duffy always asked us, is it genuine or disingenuous? With everything our world and our country are facing now, this is an extraordinarily important question. Knowing true or not true, and why, will help us all share what our souls say to share and avoid gossip.
We are all masters in training. Let’s do our best and keep shining.
Image by Sofia_Shultz_Photography from Pixabay