There was a day when one would seldom see a single woman traveling alone, but not today. I do not mean traveling to visit family or for business. I mean as a way of life.
My husband and I have been traveling full-time in our RV for more than eight years. We have been camping for more than forty years, and not until a few years ago have we seen so many single women out by themselves. The big surprise was the number of women over sixty-five making a life on the road alone.
Finding Strength on the Road
I grew up in the age when women were taught they could not do much without a man. We certainly were not safe being “out there” alone. Today’s younger generation of women, who are stepping out into their power, has encouraged their older counterparts to do the same. Seeing grey-haired beauties camping in everything from tents to motorhomes is exciting.
This is not about woman-power over man-power. The experience of our divine perfection requires both male and female energy. However, we cannot find that divine male/female balance if the female is afraid to step out and stand in her power. The truly great thing is that none of these women are really alone.
When any of these gals have needed help, they have found it. They ask questions, read manuals, watch videos, and grab a guy when they don’t have the physical strength to do the job. They are determined to learn to do what they really need to do on their own but are not embarrassed to ask for help when they need it. They are not needy; they are strong. They are not stubborn; they are open.
You’re Not Alone on the Road
I have learned that my spiritual journey is the same. I have a wealth of support when I need it, both from friends on earth and in the higher spiritual realms. At the same time, I have certain things that only I can do for myself. If I am too independent, I am not in Oneness with all things. If I am too needy, I am not standing in my power as the creator of my life. If I am stubborn, I struggle to find the way. If I surrender, I am in the flow and the perfection of it all. There is a divine balance we all must master between standing alone and standing beside.
We each have a choice in how we live our physical lives. We each have a choice in how we make our spiritual journey, as well. While we have much we need to do on our own in both worlds, we are never alone on the road to Oneness.
You’re not alone on the road unless you choose to be. Don’t be needy, be strong. Don’t be stubborn, be open. I’ll see you at the end of the road.
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Hi Marsha, This post spoke volumes to me. For some reason I have a lot of fear of being alone. Even walking alone in our local gorgeous park. It saddens me that I have become this way esp when my Mom was not like that and my 2 sisters (both of whom are divorced) were never fearful. They are both strong, independent women. I ask for help from the spiritual realm a lot but I need to trust the process more. I want to be a better example to my daughter who is 36, sober for 6 years and finishing her degree. I try to lift myself up but I see myself as a weak link in the chain.
Hey, Martha. Thank you so much for sharing. Many people have the same fears. Energetically I recommend checking your first chakra daily and try to clear any fear that keeps it closed. Of course, the primary resonances are Divine Safety, Security, Trust, and Surrender. Keep stepping forward and have faith in yourself. Love you!