take a break

What Happens When I Take a Break?

Every few years, I am guided to take a long break to integrate and see where I am. This fall has been a perfect time for my brief sabbatical.

We all need to take time off once in a while to escape the hustle and bustle of busy lives, the demands of what others want from us, and technology. That’s what I have been doing. I mentioned in an earlier post that summer is the season for taking action—tending the crops. Fall is the season for harvesting the crops and giving thanks. It is the time to begin pulling the energy of action inward to prepare for the contemplation and recuperation of winter.

What did I learn this summer?

I learned to expand my ability to relax and enjoy whatever life brings my way. I consistently focus on raising my frequency, accepting the illusion, and detaching from the process of our spiritual evolution. However, when we have mastered one octave of the spiral staircase, we start climbing the next.

I had a restful and insightful few weeks. I observed what is happening in my life, for those around me, and for the world. Perceiving all experiences as the flow of energy helps me accept and operate in the illusion of the physical world more effortlessly. The process reminds me of Neo’s experience after losing sight in the third episode of The Matrix trilogy. When he looked at the Dark City through his mind’s eye, he saw the city was constructed of light merely covered in darkness.

When we feel pressured or get sucked into what we see in the outer world, we are challenged to stay centered and see the brilliant illusion of it all.

Do You Need to Take a Break?

So, do you need to take a break? It might not be easy when you work, take care of a family, or hold to other obligations. However, if you get still, connect to your soul, and ask for guidance, you will know what you need to do. There are always to slow down and find time to be alone.

We all need time to step back and focus on ourselves. Don’t allow what you perceive as the demands of life to prevent you from taking the time you need for yourself. Do not get sucked into the illusion as your reality or let it throw you off balance. The world in which you live, the people around you, and the things you must do in the outer world are your school grounds. Observe them, flow with them, and take time to practice transcending them to know your truth.

The future is full of glorious opportunities. Don’t let them slip away by falling into judgment, anger, or attachment. Learned to expand your ability to relax and enjoy whatever life brings your way. That is your path to Oneness and Ascension. Be love and only love; take baby steps and set yourself free.

6 thoughts on “What Happens When I Take a Break?”

  1. Myron Des Jarlais

    After reading your books and taking the SITL and Reiki classes, my favorite is “Fake it till you make it”. I can’t be perfect but I can try until I get it right. Your advice sure helped me. Thank you for helping me find the right path to Oneness. You are a wonderful friend.

    1. You’re right, Myron. We have to do our best to act as if we are there and the lower-self will eventually catch up. You are doing great work. Love you!

  2. Thank you Marsha. I’m currently enjoying a wonderful break in a very peaceful place. As always your writings are appreciated and give me much to think about. Chat with you soon. Love

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