Some years ago, I wrote a post about the great toilet paper controversy—Over or Under: What Difference Does It Make? I am not writing about toilet paper again, but the underlying question is still important.
What difference does it make?
Humans can get so caught up is what they consider normal. Think about how many problems are created by judgment, criticism, teasing, and harassment because someone is different. In our spiritual studies, we focus on love, understanding, compassion, acceptance, etc. But that tricky lower-self can hold many subconscious beliefs that subvert our efforts.
When your buttons get pushed, looked deeper into the beliefs that make the differences seem important. Discernment of the true issue is essential to healing. Your spiritual truth does not tell you to condone something that is obviously inappropriate or unloving behavior. But it does tell you to have understanding, compassion, and tolerance of others while they are learning and climbing their spiritual staircase. Knowing why the differences are important to you, and to others, will help you find the road to healing and to change.
It’s easy to let go of simple differences, like whether the toilet paper should roll over or under. Other issues are more difficult to turn around, especially those of culture and economics.
Cultural and Economic Divides
Several years ago, I watched a Greek movie that showed how cultural and economic conflict translated into racism. I apologize for not remembering the title, and I did try to find it.
Greece was taking in large numbers of Arabs fleeing the problems in the Middle East. At first, the people of Greece wanted to help. But, over time, relationships were strained. The immigrants were taking jobs previously held by Greeks because they would work for less. They practiced Islam, and they expected special treatment because of their religion and suffering.
Many Greeks, especially the men displaced, became outraged. Not only had they lost their jobs to “these people,” their tax dollars were helping the Arabs more than they were helping Greeks. The economic and cultural differences exploded into riots, and the rioter were labeled racists. In fact, they had become racists because they labeled all Arabs the same as the result of the cultural and economic clashes. Does this sound familiar?
Healing the Differences
We know that raising our frequency with energetic healing and resonance techniques is the fastest way to change.
The ultimate resonance we want to hold is Divine Non-judgment. However, sometimes the lower-self is so stuck in old beliefs that it will not go all the way to that level. That’s OK. It is just part of the step-by-step process.
If you are challenged to start with Divine Non-judgment, you might begin with Divine Tolerance, Openness, and Acceptance. There are other great resonances that help shift old, dogmatic beliefs. Let your soul guide you to what you need.
Asking in meditation, “what difference does it make?” will help you uncover the beliefs that need to be cleared. It will also give you the skills to help others recognize why something is important to them and if they need to make changes.
Keep shining and sharing the love. We are all on the road home.
Image from Pixabay