House of Mirrors

We All Live in a House of Mirrors

Have you ever been to a fair or an amusement park and played in the House of Mirrors? It is a fascinating place. No matter which direction you turn, you see yourself. Each mirror gives you a different view of who you are. And no matter how silly you look—short, tall, fat, skinny, bent—you know you’re looking at yourself.

When I began to embrace and utilize all of my mirrors for my spiritual healing, my life truly changed. Some are fun to look at and others are scary. Either way, they are part of who I am.

How do the mirrors work?

We all live in a house of mirrors. Everything we see, everything we create, reflects who we are. It might be a mirror of what we need to heal, what we need to accept, what we need to reveal to ourselves—our greatness and our weak spots. When we embrace them every day, we find our power, our dignity, and our strength.

But why is everyone a mirror? How does the process work?

You already know that we are pure energy in human form. You also know that like energy attracts like energy, which means that like energy sees like energy.

Because we are each integrated into the hologram that is Source, we are one. Because we are one, we cannot see anything in someone else that is not part of us. I can only recognize and appreciate that someone is happy if I hold happiness in me. When I see someone is angry and I judge that anger, it means I still hold anger in me. Some mirrors are easier to look at than others, but they are still our truth.

Working with Our Mirrors

Deciphering our mirrors is not always as obvious as what appears on the surface. Some mirrors are direct and some are subtle.

A direct mirror might be something you dislike in another person that is also a trait in yourself that you have denied. A more subtle mirror is that of judgment. Maybe you are always on time and judge those who are late. Perhaps this pushes your buttons because somewhere, in this life or another, you created problems by being late and have not forgiven yourself. Or maybe you were hurt by someone being late and you project that pain onto others rather than forgiving the past. I am not saying that we should be disrespectful to others by ignoring time. I am saying that what pushes your buttons is important for your healing.

There are endless examples of how those around us reflect our issues. When we truly understand that we are all one, understanding the mirror principle is easy. However, as long as we perceive ourselves as separate from others, we tend to reject the mirrors.

I consciously focus on my mirrors

Mirrors are found in memories, too. Recently, I found myself obsessed with the memory of an incident with a friend. I knew I had forgiven her for what had happened, so why could I not get this out of my mind? The answer, of course, was that I had not fully forgiven myself, so the mirror kept reflecting on my issues until I realized what I still needed to heal.

And, it is very important to remember that people also mirror the beauty and greatness that we are as well. We so often focus on what we want to improve in ourselves that we forget to recognize how glorious we already are. Look for those positively affirming mirrors daily. They are important to you!

Without exception, everyone we meet has something to tell us about ourselves. When we are aware of the mirrors around us, we will learn what we need to recognize and accept about ourselves. Play in this house of mirrors every day. Pay attention to the people around you. They bring the messages that will help you grow and help you appreciate who you are. Remember that we are in this together, so let others help you on your path by allowing for the mirrors.

Image by Entertainment Junction

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