baby owls grow up

Watching Baby Owls Grow Up

Watching three baby owls grow up has been one of the highlights of our summer. As they moved from huddled together in the nest to independently leaping from branch to branch to flying, one parent was always nearby to guide and protect them. I observed the process for several weeks and found myself trying to imagine what Source must feel watching us grow up.

The Baby Owls Grow Up

When the babes first moved from the nest, they would stay very close to each other and only go a few inched from home. They needed the sense of security the nest and their siblings provided. I also noticed that the parents started perching on neighboring trees. They sat close enough if help was needed but far enough to let the babies know they had to start being on their own.

In only a few days, the babies felt secure enough to sleep on branches like their parents instead of returning to the nest. A week later, they could fly and rest in other trees, still close to the nest but expanding their comfort zone. The baby owls continued to move from tree to tree, testing their wings and finding more independence.

One day, the parent on duty took off on a long flight. One by one, the babies found the courage to follow. The last one to take off seemed unsure but would not be left behind. Every few days, they would return to the familiar territory of the campground but they were soon off on new adventures in new areas of the forest. I also knew that by next year they would each be on their own, sovereign and creating new families.

Source Watches Our Process, too

We know that humans go through the same process of growing up as baby owls. But sometimes, we forget that we are going through the same process in our spiritual evolution over our many accumulated lifetimes.

In this life, we are either in our spiritual infancy, toddlerhood, childhood, adolescence, or adulthood. We move from huddled together for group security to branching out to discover our spiritual identity to entirely flying on our own as Source. And all the time, Source watches us with love, amazement, and pride.

Growing up as a spiritual being is not quite as easy as watching baby owls grow up, but we keep putting one foot in front of the other and keep going. We keep climbing the spiral staircase of our evolution and moving closer to the experience of ourselves as Source. That is all we have to do. It is all we can do because it is our destiny.

Enjoy growing up. Relish each stage of your development and know that you are never alone.

Images by Marsha Hankins

2 thoughts on “Watching Baby Owls Grow Up”

  1. “Source Watches Our Process, too.” This is very true but it matters how we see “Source;” is it an outer observer or is the observer within us. I like the perspective of Source watching through us. When one notices that life is throbbing within us and then observes that life is likewise throbbing and operating within plants and animals, we realize that we are one with nature and that Life as Source is alive and acting throughout the universe. The Infinite Intelligence of Source is made evident when one finally gets to see and appreciate its presence. Our very physical existence depends on the presence and activity of Source within us and like annual plants we produce and activate live seeds for another generation and like perennial plants we live life in cycles. We are simply the instruments of Source while Source expands itself into new experiences in the physical plane. And what is it doing? Bringing opportunities to expand in love in new ways accompanied by our waking up.

    1. Hey Fausto! Thank you for your comment.

      You remember that in both I AM Source™ and Standing in the Light® we teach that everything is created inside of Source. We are cells in the body of the God/Goddess, cells in the body of Source. Nothing can be separate from Source. The metaphor of Source watching us is like you watching/paying attention to what is happening to the parts of your body. The intelligence that is Source observes everyone and everything created inside itself with love, admiration, and appreciation. As you wrote, each of our experiences expands Source’s wisdom and capacity for love. Understanding our oneness with Source allows us to experience our oneness with all things.

      Thank you, my friend.

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