Knowledge vs knowing

The Wisdom of Moving from Knowledge to Knowing

If your mental body is struggling to let go, that might be because of the shift from knowledge to knowing. In the old 3rd dimensional, the lower-self relied on knowledge as power and the source for its decision. But in the 4th and 5th dimensional paradigms, the wisdom that comes from our inner knowing and guidance determines our paths.

The Mental Body Must Shift

We all reach the stage in our evolution when the mental body must surrender to a new role—a role it does not understand yet, and it is not happy about. Until now, the lower-self has operated under the adage that knowledge equals power, and the ego-self gets to make the decisions.

But knowledge equals power does not apply at this stage of your spiritual evolution. The wisdom that comes from your inner knowing leads you now.

The mental body still has an important role. It receives the plan and knowing of the soul. It has the job of implementing the plan, but is no longer the decision-maker. The decision-maker has been the mental body’s strength, but now, this role that must be traded for a higher position. You just have to convince the mental body that knowing is superior to knowledge, and that divine wisdom is its power.

In Autobiography of a Yogi, Yogananda describes a conversation between Sri Yukteswar and some quantum physicists. His master was on top of every topic, even though he never went to college or studied physics. He just knew the information. How cool is that?

Moving from Knowledge to Knowing

Keep doing your regular practices, raise your frequency, and be conscious of when your mental body wants to grab the microphone away from your soul. Focus on the resonance of divine trust… maybe even “trust in divine wisdom.”

Give your lower-self time to adjust to the change. We know taking baby steps is a great way to go, but your soul will push you to trust your knowing as you climb higher in frequency.

Ask for education from Source in making the shift from knowledge to knowing and keep practicing. You will be able to surrender to all that you are.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

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