We say that the path of the soul is love. I know my soul is constantly reminding me how much I am loved. So, how do we experience and share that love? What does it mean to step beyond 3rd-dimensional love into 5th-dimensional love and beyond?
Officially, the definition of love is an intense feeling of deep affection for someone or something. You each know the expanded joy you feel around the people you love, and you understand this definition falls short of that emotion.
You have also felt those moments of the overwhelming, all-encompassing love of your soul. The love of the soul is so expansive that it must be experienced because it is beyond description with words. When you open yourself to your soul’s love, you know you have touched your truth as Source.
Surrendering to the Path of the Soul
We all want to feel loved. We especially want to know the love of our souls and Source. Yet, we struggle to allow total surrender to unconditional love. Why? Because the leap from the love 3rd-dimensional love we feel in our human form to the love of the 5th dimension and beyond is huge. Gigantic! It seems more than we can handle on a full-time basis.
In a previous post, Are You Ready to be Fully and Completely Loved?, I shared the experience of a friend who was able to surrender to the love of herself-as-Source for a few moments. The wave of love that came over her was so intense that it took her breath away. She acknowledged that the experience was both overwhelmingly joyful and overwhelmingly terrifying.
The path of the soul is the journey to remember that we are love—that unconditional love of all things is our natural state. It can be scary to surrender ourselves to the love of another human being, so it is not surprising that surrendering to the level of love of the soul feels overwhelming. But surrendering to the love of the soul is where we find pure joy and our power to ascend.
Commit yourself to the path of the soul. Dedicate time each day to surrender and feel that level of love. Allow the lower-self time to adjust to the intensity of the joy of this experience. Remember that you only need to take baby steps. Each small step forward in love is a step closer to your final Ascension, so allow yourself to be fully encompassed in unconditional love every day.
Embrace the process and your power. Do not stop until you know the truth of who you are.