Surrender to Oneness

Surrender to Oneness Is Not a Choice

Surrender to oneness is not really a choice because it is who you are. You do have a choice of when to let go but, one day, the ego will have to surrender to its true nature. So, why not wave the white flag today and avoid the pain of holding to the illusion? Choose to move into the pure joy of oneness now.

Throwing Temper Tantrums

My lower-self has thrown many temper tantrums over the years as I move through the ascension process. It happens to all of us. But the truth is that those tantrums are merely based on fear—fear of not knowing what is coming next, of not getting one’s way, of losing power. I just had a nice little tantrum that mirrored the surrender process, which is why I am writing this post.

Even the most tech-savvy of us can get frustrated when computer programs seem to be screwing things up and we cannot figure out what is going wrong. A computer can offer a great test of one’s patience and ability to stay centered in the midst of adversity. While I knew I needed to be one with the computer and whatever program I was using, I lost it.

I was tired. I had been working for a while and I had one more, short, easy project to go. So much for short and easy. Suddenly something that should have taken two minutes was taking forever. Everything started going wrong and I had no idea why. I had to start laughing at myself because I was ready to throw the machine out the window. So much for ease and flow.

I did regain my centeredness, but I was amazed at how easily I had become irritated. I rarely lose it anymore, but things were just not going my way. Understanding the illusion as my mirror, I asked Source to explain this episode. Just more resistance to surrendering. No surprises here.

Wave the White Flag and Surrender to Oneness

Oneness means surrendering to the flow of every situation, even an irritating computer situation. You have the choice to be present, be aware of your reactions, and make choices to change or not to change. You will eventually have to accept change because Oneness is the true nature of who you are. You cannot avoid it so why not do it now?

My master teacher Kris Duffy used to say that we at the lower-self level do not have free will. The soul, ourselves-as-Source, has the free will and that will is for us to return to the remembrance of our true selves no matter what it takes. I have found this to be true. While we at the lower-self level have free choice of what we do in each moment, the ultimate road leads to Ascension no matter how long it takes.

The sooner you surrender to oneness as the truth from which you cannot hide, the sooner you can experience yourself as Source. The sooner you let go, the sooner you will be able to transcend the illusion of your separation and know pure divine love, even with a wonky computer.

Any time you start to lose it, no matter the situation, you are stepping out of oneness. I keep reminding my students to keep a sense of humor about everything. This journey into remembrance should be filled with joy and laughter. Oneness is who and what you are. Celebrate it.

Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

4 thoughts on “Surrender to Oneness Is Not a Choice”

  1. What a great reminder that the path to remembering ourselves as Source takes commitment, love and a little humor. Plus a healthy dash of patience! I’ve had plenty of similar frustrations that would have resolved much more easily if I had paused to get my mirror the moment I felt the block instead of trying rush through it with the mental promise to “check in about it later when I have time”. Sometimes I need the reminder that if it’s happening now, then now is the time!

    1. Thanks, Ginger. It is so easy to get thrown out of alignment. But as long as we get back on the horse, we’re moving forward. Love!

  2. Marsha you always seem to have your finger on the pulse of what’s happening – at least in my world – in the things you write. It’s getting faster that I catch myself being frustrated when something like you described is happening. I find that using my computer these days is almost like having a one way conversation with someone – the computer doing most of the talking – as I go along pretending I’m in the driver’s seat. But thankfully – to you and Kris Duffy – the conversation with Source has become much more of a native language to me and I’m able to return more quickly and with less suffering to just what is happening in each moment and moving along with it! So grateful that in the end it really is that easy – maybe not always simple – but definitely that easy!

    1. Hey, Lynne. I love that you can make me laugh even when you are saying something very profound. I think we would all like for simple to also be easy, but you are so right. We just have to recognize each event for what it is, try to keep a cool head, and take another step closer to Source. Keep shining, Beautiful.

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