Free-range parenting

Source is a Master of Free-Range Parenting

I read an article this week, which I thought was very good, about the shift from helicopter parenting to free-range parenting. I had to smile as I thought about Source as our Mother/Father God and how our souls foster our growth and Divine Sovereignty.

Free-Range Parenting

Parenting is the most challenging job on the planet. What is right? What is wrong? How do we educate our kids? How do we keep our children safe? The decisions are not always easy.

Free-range parenting is considered the opposite of helicopter parenting. This does not mean parents let their children run around totally unsupervised and doing whatever they want. But it does allow children to be independent and make their own choices, with limited parental supervision, in balance with their age and development.

This parenting style allows that life is full of risks and children need to learn how to make choices to become strong, fully functioning adults. They need to understand their choices, look at the possible outcomes, and learn from their experiences.

Instead of instilling constant fear, dependence, and co-dependence, these parents want to raise courageous, wise, and confident children. They want children who can balance independence with interdependence—children who have freedom and a sense of power from learning who they are and what they can do. Isn’t this what Source does for us as children of light?

The Freedom Source Gives Us

If you are like me, you’ve had times where you’ve pleaded, “Just tell me how this ends!” But how do we evolve unless we faced challenges and maneuver through them?

Source gives us the freedom to learn, to be children—children of light, but children none the less. It is up to us to take that power, explore, learn, and grow into spiritual adulthood. We do not need Source to be a helicopter parent. More importantly, we do not want Source to be one because it would stifle our development.

Embrace your free-range opportunities. Explore your options. Examine the possibilities and the possible outcomes. Overcome the fears and make the choices that move you forward into more light and the remembrance of yourself as Source.

Use your freedom to be all that you can be. And allow that for others. We each have our place in the conga line. We each have our path to Ascension. Use your freedom to make wise choices and fly.

Image by Tri Le from Pixabay

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