nothing goes right until it does

Nothing Goes Right until It Does

You’ve probably heard that nothing goes wrong until it does, which is why people say hope for the best but plan for the worst­–just in case. But nothing goes right until it does either, which is why we keep trying.

My story

I remember trying to master my clairvoyance and being frustrated with my lack of progress. I knew I had strong skills in this area because my soul kept telling me so, and my spontaneous clairvoyance was brilliant.

Following guidance, I kept practicing several techniques designed to develop the power of sight and clear the issues blocking me. Sometimes I got discouraged and quit for long periods of time. But my soul would give me some form of kick in the rear end, and I would start again. Eventually, I began mastering my skill and embracing the frustration as part of the process. Patience became my mantra until I reached my goal.

You have stories of your own that range from outer world to inner world goals. Stories of trial and error, failure and success. You also know that the sweetness of victory outweighs the stumbling blocks and needed practice to make your visions realities.

Nothing Goes Right until It Does

In a recent post, The Power of Perseverance, I shared the importance of the commitment to keep trying despite the pushbacks and failures. You remember that the first of Murphy’s Laws states that anything that can go wrong will go wrong. And Murphy was right. The unexpected can easily trip us. But failure can be our greatest teacher. So, we reevaluate, make changes, and keep going.

We don’t know what works versus what doesn’t work, or where our hidden weaknesses might be, until we’ve tried. When we try but fail, we learn a great deal about ourselves and our skills. We learn what to keep and what to throw out.

Whether you are focused on your outer world or inner world goals, remember that nothing goes right until it does, so keep going. The success washes away all the failures.

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

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