Divine Conscientiousness

Merging Conscientiousness with Devotion

Not long ago, I was guided to work with the resonance of Divine Conscientiousness. Because this is the time that most of us are focused on creating our vision for the new year, I thought Source was very wise to bring this to my attention.

Conscientiousness is the quality of wishing to do one’s work or duty well and thoroughly. So, I began looking at where I might not be giving my full effort. In a moment of enlightenment, I realized that devotion is not the same as doing the work well and thoroughly.

What Psychology Has to Say

Psychology Today says, “Conscientiousness is a fundamental personality trait…that reflects the tendency to be responsible, organized, hard-working, goal-directed, and to adhere to norms and rules…Conscientiousness is generally a key ingredient for success—in love as well as work. It’s also a major predictor of health, well-being, and longevity.”1

For more than twenty-five years, I have been seriously devoted to my spiritual path and dedicated to my daily practices. But no matter where we are on the spiral staircase of ascension, we can always miss something or do more. Looking closely at my conscientiousness helped me find a few places where I could still improve. I asked these questions:

  • Am I doing my practices as well and thoroughly as I can?
  • Am I going deep enough in my clearing and healing processes?
  • Do I spend enough time in meditation?
  • Is there somewhere that am I not focusing on my thoughts, words, and deeds?
  • Am I always willing to delay lower-self desires for my higher good?

Unless we want to spin our spiritual wheels, we benefit from a good self-evaluation from time to time. It is easy to mistake our desire and devotion for doing the work well and thoroughly.

I hope you are motivated by your 2023 life vision and that it brings you great joy. Apply Divine Conscientiousness to your goals, and keep shining!

Image by  Alessandro Lannocca  from Pixabay.com


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