The transition into light is our primary focus once we awaken to who we are as spiritual beings. Those of us who thought it would be an easy hop, skip, and jump from here to there had a lot to learn. This is a joyful journey, but we have a series of small and giant steps to reach our final Ascension. But when we do—WOW.
What will it be like?
I say WOW, but I can only surmise what the final transition into light will feel like based on my experiences. If you have felt the ecstatic connection to Source in a meditation or a moment of surreal expansion, you have an idea of what it must feel like to transcend your body in such a way as to know only light. Your next stage of existence is one of pure energy, pure awareness, and oneness with all creation beyond what you can understand in the human experience.
Along the way, you will go through multiple stages of expansion as you transition from one level to the next. You have heard me speak of moving from spiritual infancy to spiritual adolescence to spiritual maturity. We must all master these stages before we can make our final transition into light. Where you are on that scale does not matter at the moment. You might be in spiritual 6th grade or a senior in high school. Perhaps you have already stepped into the beginnings of your college education. It does not matter. The only thing that matters is your desire and commitment to move forward. Remember to take baby steps. That is all it takes to get where you want to go.
Making Your Transition into Light
If you were in the ashram or temple, you would have hours a day to dedicate to your transition into light. However, like most of us, you are probably juggling families, jobs, and other outer world activities. This means you have to carve out time each day for yourself and create a process that works for you.
You already know that the simplicity of the spiritual process can be deceptive. But you can make it as easy as possible by following a few daily practices. If you have not already created a daily routine, start small and gradually increase the amount of time you invest in your spiritual expansion.
You know the essential daily practices are meditation and energy clearing. And I know this is very basic, but we all need reminding from time to time of their importance.
- Meditation means getting into the silent space beyond the physical, emotional, and mental bodies. The stillness is where you fully tap into yourself as Source and know yourself as one.
- Energy clearing is a way actively ask for and use your energy, your light, to clear and heal the items that block you from Ascension. You have a long list of possibilities to help you get started, but the process is simple.
Now what?
If you have practices and a routine that work for you, ask your soul if they need refining or expanding. Is it time for you to raise the bar?
If you have not created a process yet, start slowly. Begin with 20 minutes of meditation each day and start researching some energy techniques that might be for you. At the very least:
- Ask your soul for help clearing and healing any discord that comes up for you during the day.
- Take five-minute “meditation” breaks where you can get away from everyone and everything else to sit quietly for a few minutes and regroup. You will be amazed how much this can help you get refocused.
As I said, I know this is very basic. I will expand on spiritual practices and suggestions for moving more quickly through your transition into light in my next post.
Keep shining, Beloveds.
Love this! Feel like I am moving in the right pathway. My routine is sporadic and will work on honing that in. Five minute meditation all the time. Soft reminders are
always blissfully accepted. Love you Hope
You go, Girl!