Cellular Memory

It’s All in Your Cellular Memory

Everything you need to know to understand how to flow in alignment is in your cellular memory. If you haven’t seen Winged Planet from the Discovery Channel or the 2001 documentary Winged Migration, you might want to look them up. They give us a bird’s-eye view of the world that can only be seen by flight and insight into the instincts of these incredible navigators.

Following Divine Instincts

Human beings are always amazed at the natural skill with which wildlife displays itself on this planet. We watched the instinctive actions of animals, from squirrels building a nest and gathering food at the exact right time of the year to birds migrating thousands of miles by following the flight plans programmed into their cellular memories. They know who they are and do not question themselves or what they are guided to do. They trust what they know is right, and they follow through without question, just doing what comes naturally.

Human beings also know how to do what comes naturally, but we fight it constantly. We know in our human programming that we are divine, wonderful, perfect, and loving. However, we give in to those around us who might tell us that we are less than these things and give in to behaviors that prove the naysayers correct.

Animals honor each other for who they are and what they do. They are not attached to duty, honor, or manufactured rules that would cause them to act outside of the natural order of things. Whether the animals of land or the birds of the sky, wildlife only takes what is needed to survive, honors the passing of life and death, and goes about its life minding its own business. Animals do not set rules and regulations to control others for their power. They generally live in peace and harmony, except for what they need to eat.

On the other hand, human beings tend to defy the natural order and the highest good of all to get what they want over what they need. Human “needs” go far beyond the needs of the wild kingdom to those of personal gratification, power over others, and control.

Tap into Your Cellular Memory

How beautiful our lives will be when we follow the lead of nature and become true members of the winged planet. When we allow ourselves to follow the natural flow of only taking what we need and returning the rest with gratitude, all of humanity can know abundance. Doing the dance of life with joy and abandon and following our hearts for the highest good of all will change the world.

It’s not that difficult. We need to trust that we are all One, that we can all be provided for if we will just let go, and that the world is a great place to be. It is all in our cellular memory if we will only listen. Take time each day to sit quietly, close your eyes and listen to your heart. Listen to your cellular memory, the memory of yourself as love, and allow yourself to soar in the light as our feathered friends soar in the skies.

Image by Mickey Estes from pixabay.com 

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