How do you know the truth of Source? Can you prove it? There is a great scene in the book and movie Contact by Carl Sagan that addresses this question. Dr. Eleanor Arroway is a “prove it to me” scientist who has the extraordinary experience of making contact beyond Earth. She struggles with what she knows from the experience and what she can scientifically prove.
Rev. Palmer Joss, who accepts God purely on faith, asks her a profound question. He asks, “Did you love your father?” She answers, “Of course!” He responds, “Prove it.”
Bridging the Gap between Science and Metaphysics
Science cannot prove our love or our spirituality. Science is making amazing discoveries that tell us how the universe and creation work. As mathematics and physics advance in areas such as zero-point energy and quintessence, they are validating what mystical scientists have taught and demonstrated for millennia. These discoveries will help many believe and help bridge the gap between what we know and what we can prove.
People develop their spiritual beliefs in three basic ways: pure faith, outside proof, and personal experience. Most of us will incorporate all three as our viewpoints and philosophies evolve, not just in this life but over many lifetimes.
1. Pure faith is the acceptance of the teachings of various religions (including new age and new thought philosophies) without proof because someone with more education and training must know the truth.
2. Outside proof is the want and need of verification, scientific or otherwise before anything can be believed.
3. Personal experience creates a knowing that goes beyond what any priest can teach, or any scientist can prove.
How Do You Know the Truth of Source?
I have been through all three of the above steps in this life. Where are you in this process?
1. Pure faith. Many people consider this blind faith, but this approach can be a positive path. The negative side is that pure faith can result in stunted spiritual growth and rigid dogma. It can also create a good deal of fear that one might be led astray if not very careful. However, the core of both religious and spiritual teachings is love. Faith helps many people open their hearts to the possibilities and is a positive step for many of us.
2. Outside proof. The scientific and mathematical approach to spirituality works for those with strong mental bodies and those left-brained skeptics. The world of physics and mathematics is merging with the world of metaphysics. Many people believe that science and spirituality do not mix and that all scientists deny the existence of something beyond ourselves. But we must be aware of stereotypes. Many scientists have strong religious and spiritual beliefs and are using new discoveries to help explain how and why a “source” must exist. These scientists use the quantum sciences to understand how creation works and show how mystics can do what they do.
3. Personal experience. When I see or feel someone’s energy field and understand what is happening to them, I do not need a scientist to explain it. When a yogi levitates in front of his class during a lecture, neither he nor his students need a scientist to prove that he can levitate or show how he can do it. These experiences are not delusions or imagination. They give us a knowingness of our spiritual truth that no one else needs to understand or accept. We just know what is true.
My Knowingness of Source
I had a strong connection with and faith in Christ as a child. But, as you know, I could not find what I believed to be spiritual truth in the church’s teachings. For many years, I pushed my faith and spirituality to the side.
When I realized I needed to regain my connection, I began reading and studying many books on spiritual philosophy and quantum physics. Eventually, a strong sense of who I am started to develop. I did not accept anything as real for me until I worked with and practiced what I had learned.
I left many beliefs and techniques behind as my frequency went higher and my experiences showed me my truth. I have an absolute knowing of the divine because it permeates my entire being. But can I prove it to anyone else? Of course not.
This is a very exciting time to be alive and consciously on a spiritual path. We each need to open ourselves to the approach that is best for us, embrace it, and see where it takes us. We also must allow others to follow the path and approach that works for them. Everyone will find their way to the truth of Source. Everyone will come home to oneness.
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Very well said!
Love you!