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getting my rear in gear

How Coyote and Badger Helped Get My Rear in Gear

We all need help from time to time to keep our focus on creating our highest plan. How did a coyote and badger help me get my rear in gear?

Coyote and Badger

My husband and I had been camping at Kofa National Wildlife Refuge in Arizona. We had not seen any wildlife except for birds and rabbits for ten days. Finally, one morning a coyote trotted right past my trailer window as I was having breakfast. Cool!

Later that day, we saw a badger along the top of the wash not far from the trailer. It was the first live badger we had seen in 50 years of camping. Way cool! However, I try to pay attention to messages from the universe and a coyote and badger on the same day next to the trailer seemed significant.

For those who know a bit about animal medicine, a coyote is most often identified as the trickster or joker (although there are other energies for coyote). The badger is aggressiveness and determination, as in, don’t mess with me. I decided to go through the three questions I regularly ask myself about my life vision.

Question one: Am I in 100% alignment with the highest plan? I got yes.

Question two: Am I taking 100% right action to create the plan? Again, I heard, yes.

Number three: Am I moving at a rate of 100% toward my highest plan? Oops. I had backed off so far on one project that I was only moving forward at about 20%. My tricky lower-self had been distracting me from something I needed to do but did not want to do (the coyote). The badger reminded me not to let anything stop me from creating my vision. I only needed to take a few small steps, but it was definitely time to get my rear in gear again.

Getting Your Rear in Gear

The spiritual path is not about getting a lot done in the outer world or even getting it done quickly. However, when we understand that we are the creators and that everything we create is designed to move us forward as spiritual beings, we know that some things are necessary for us to do to evolve more quickly. It does not pay to fight the highest good. Denial only slows our progress and makes the path more difficult.

For me, these three questions always keep me straight. Am I:

  • in 100% alignment with the highest plan?
  • taking 100% right action to create the plan?
  • moving at 100% toward the plan?

Sometimes we need to play with the coyote, and sometimes we need to be the badger. Whether you use my method or have one you like better, do not let your tricky lower-self distract you from what is most important. And, nothing is more important than following your guidance to heal everything that keeps you from the full experience of Oneness.

Image by Lyn Bratton from