What do I mean when I ask how you are drinking your tea? I am asking if you are savoring the moment or rushing through life.
I have often been guided to repost the short poem by Thich Nhat Hanh that says, “Drink your tea slowly…without rushing toward the future.” As I watch so many people worried, fearful, and pushing forward, I can see the energy in our country and around the world plummet. We can change that by stopping to sip life slowly, taking in the moment, and gathering our energy to seek wisdom. Life is challenging enough without living in fear of what may come.
There is a divine plan. We are not lost or on the edge of the cliff even though it might feel that way. You have the power to command your life, but it is not your job to command the lives of others.
Allowing the Divine Plan to Flow
Who are you? What are you here for? If you are not drinking your tea slowly, you might miss the point of your experiences. You might miss an opportunity for growth and wisdom. And you might wear yourself out!
When I observe myself and others, I remember the human conga line. Humanity exists in a very broad spectrum of consciousness from spiritual preschoolers to spiritual PhDs. We cannot expect those who have only reached spiritual kindergarten or first grade to think or behave like highly evolved beings. We also cannot look to spiritual adolescents who think they have all the answers for guidance because they lack the experience and wisdom to lead us. And we do not want to give our power to those we believe to be ahead of us in the conga line.
Instead, we must drink our tea slowly, see what is in front of us at the moment, and look to our own guidance for our action steps. Even more importantly, we must view what is happening around us with non-judgment. Everything is an opportunity to learn and grow, and we are only in charge of ourselves. We must allow others to follow their path of evolution within the plan.
So, Drink Your Tea Slowly
Pay attention to who you are and what you are guided to do. Do not fall into fear for the future because this is just a physical illusion for your expansion into higher consciousness. Take your time each day to observe and learn. Be at peace and know the truth of who you are.
And remember the words of Master Hanh:
“Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the world earth revolves – slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future.”
Image by congerdesign from Pixabay
Love this! Exactly what I needed right now. Thank you!
Thank you, Ann. I hope you have had a nice summer of riding. Much Love!
obviously, too hurridly again!
Honesty, slowing down takes practice. We have to keep reminding ourselves to sip slowly. Love you.