Your True Identity

Have You Stolen Your True Identity?

What is your true identity? Do you live as who you are? Has your lower-self stolen your truth?

Don’t Let Your Lower-self Steal Your Identity

When I do my regular self-evaluations, one of my questions is how completely I am identifying with my 5th-dimensional self. This week, I was not surprised to find that my lower-self was pulling back a bit. I am 100% ready to be my true spiritual self, but I am not so willing at the moment. As the saying goes, it’s getting hot in the kitchen, and my little self is not as excited about the next step as she thought.

You understand the illusion we have created on Earth, and that our goal is to transcend it and live fully as our true spiritual selves. Parts of our being crave the complete return to our light. But our lower-selves are still afraid of what that means. The lower-self does not remember its true identity and is, therefore, afraid of what it believes to be the unknown. It is afraid to give up the illusion.

Don’t let your lower-self steal your true identity. Put one foot in front of the other, keep climbing, and keep the faith.

Take Those Baby Steps and Keep the Faith

In an earlier post, I recommended Ginger Withee’s blog entry “Seeing through the Illusion of Self-Identity,” and I am again. In this post she asked: What holds you back from identifying primarily as your Divine Self rather than your personality self in this body?

You have been in this experiment for a long time and identify yourself as part of the illusion. You may have hidden your Divine Self from your personality self when you came here, but now you remember the truth. Now, you know who you are and can take back your true identity and be all that you came here to be.

Keep taking those baby steps to oneness. Allow yourself to embrace your Divine Self and live fully as the aspect of Source that you are. Keep the faith and shine that glorious light that you are into what remains of darkness. Always remember how brilliant you are.

Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay

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