do not get distracted

Do Not Get Distracted by the Outside World

I still occasionally get distracted by the outside world. When I do, my soul gives me a nudge to get me back on track. Any time we get off track in any field of endeavor, a master teacher will take us back to the basics because they are the foundation of greatness. We all need reminders from time to time of what is most important and how to stay on target in our ascension process.

In my last post, I said I would expand on spiritual practices and suggestions for moving more quickly through your transition into light. As we say, there are many roads to the Buddha, but they all revolve around two essential practices: meditation and energy work. These are the basics that I always come back to when I get distracted and need to refine my process.


Meditation can be seen as both a process and a state of being. This is similar to the way I describe ascension vs. Ascension. Meditation as a process can be a guided meditation, chanting, reciting a mantra, focusing on an object, or holding a vision in your mind’s eye. These are techniques to achieve a quiet mind and raise your frequency.

The state of meditation is a totally quiet mind, a stillness where you fully tap into yourself as Source and know yourself as one. It is the silent space beyond the physical, emotional, and mental bodies. The process you use to reach the meditative state does not matter. What works for you works for you, but you do not know true meditation until you have completely calmed your mind.

In my practice, meditation can be both passive and active. In the passive state, you can learn to sit for hours without thoughts intruding the stillness. This is the state of being the yogis seek—the state of uninterrupted awareness of your true self and your oneness with the universe and Source. You master passive meditation by continuing to push away all thoughts while practicing stillness. Eventually, you can sit without thought.

However, active meditation is also very beneficial. When you truly quiet your mind, your soul can help you become aware of issues your lower-self can block you from seeing when your mental body is in control. These subconscious items are important to your healing.

Mastering active meditation takes practice because you must discern when something important is rising from your subconscious and when your “chattering monkey mind” is just trying to distract you. I do that by asking my soul whether each thought that arises is one I need to contemplate or one to push aside.

Energy Work

Once you know you have an issue that needs to be healed, what do you do with the information?

Energy work, in the form of energy clearing or energy healing, is a way to ask for and use your energy and light to clear and heal the items that block you from Ascension. You can sit on an issue and hope it will resolve itself and the pain and discord will go away on their own, or you can actively use energy work to transmute the density and heal yourself.

The process is simple. You merely need to find a technique that raises your frequency. Higher frequency transmutes (raises) lower frequency. By focusing your intention in specific ways, you can create healing through the use of energy.

If you are not already using energy techniques, you have a long list of possibilities to help you get started in raising your frequency. Take time to research what might be best for you.

  • Reiki, Quantum Touch, and dozens of forms of energy work
  • Standing in the Light® and other techniques for identifying and clearing old energies
  • Yoga, qigong, and tai chi
  • Chanting, mantras, and spinning
  • Five-minute “meditation” breaks throughout the day to regroup.

Many people bypass this valuable tool, primarily out of fear of using energy work or fear of facing their issues head-on. The even greater fear is stepping fully into our power. Once I awakened to my spiritual path, I embraced my dark pieces, no matter how painful, because I wanted to heal as quickly as possible. I also wanted to see where energy work would take me. Without the variety of energy techniques I have used over the past twenty-five years, I would still be needlessly struggling.

What to do when you get distracted

You need a routine or schedule to keep yourself on track. I often recommend that busy people put time for themselves on their calendar and keep that appointment like every important appointment they make. You must start coming first if you are —

Some people are better at getting up early enough to do their meditation and energy work in the morning. I know several people who do best at night. They come home from work, eat, relax, and go to their meditation chair. Perhaps you have to plan around children or irregular work hours. What matters is what works best for you.

If you already have practices and routines that work for you, ask your soul if they need refining or expanding. Is it time for you to raise the bar? Add more hours each week? Add new techniques?

If you have not created a process yet, start slowly. Begin with 20 minutes of meditation each day and start researching some energy techniques that might be for you. You will be surprised how quickly you can expand the time from 20 minutes to 30 to 45 to an hour.

As you gain greater skill and confidence in accessing your guidance, you can ask your soul, yourself-as-Source, what you need to know:

  • How did I get distracted?
  • What do I need to do?
  • What do I change, add, or delete from my life or process?
  • What is good about what I am learning?

Use the resonances of Divine Focus, Discipline, Motivation, Passion, Desire, etc. Above all, remember who you are and why you are dedicated to your path. Anyone can get distracted. Just be sure to get back on track.

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2 thoughts on “Do Not Get Distracted by the Outside World”

  1. Thank you! I really needed to read this today. It’s amazing to me how the universe knows exactly what I need.

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