
baby owls grow up

Watching Baby Owls Grow Up

Watching three baby owls grow up has been one of the highlights of our summer. As they moved from huddled together in the nest to independently leaping from branch to branch to flying, one parent was always nearby to guide and protect them. I observed the process for several weeks and found myself trying to imagine what Source must feel watching us grow up.

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Finding empathy

It’s Time to Revisit Our Past Lives and Find Empathy

This week, Source said it was time to revisit a post that is not very old but is so timely that we can all benefit from considering it again. Many people around the world are in judgment, anger, and aggression instead of understanding, compassion, and forgiveness. If we could remember that we have had so many shared experiences through so many past lives, we would all have greater empathy and the insight to heal many of our wounds. We have all “been there and done that,” even if we cannot remember.

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do not get distracted

Do Not Get Distracted by the Outside World

I still occasionally get distracted by the outside world. When I do, my soul gives me a nudge to get me back on track. Any time we get off track in any field of endeavor, a master teacher will take us back to the basics because they are the foundation of greatness. We all need reminders from time to time of what is most important and how to stay on target in our ascension process.

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