Marsha's Blog


Welcome to Marsha Hankins’ blog

“I hope you enjoy this combination of original posts, classic parables, and channeled messages that cover a wide range of spiritual topics. I always appreciate your feedback so please submit comments at the end of each post when it feels right for you.”

Every few years, I am guided to take a long break to integrate and see where I am. This fall has been a perfect time for my brief sabbatical. We all need to take time off once in a while to escape the hustle and bustle of busy lives, the demands of what others want from us, and technology. That’s what I have been doing.

What do I mean when I ask how you are drinking your tea? I am asking if you are savoring the moment or rushing through life.

The Path of the Soul is Love

We say that the path of the soul is love. I know my soul is constantly reminding me how much I am loved. So, how do we experience and share that love? What does it mean to step beyond 3rd-dimensional love into 5th-dimensional love and beyond?

How do you know the truth of Source? Can you prove it? There is a great scene in the book and movie Contact by Carl Sagan that addresses this question. Dr. Eleanor Arroway is a "prove it to me" scientist who has the extraordinary experience of making contact beyond Earth. She struggles with what she knows from the experience and what she can scientifically prove.

Postcards from Source #20

Sometimes we need an entire post, and sometimes, we just need a reminder of who we are. These postcards are short, channeled messages from Source. Remember who you are, Beloveds.

Watching three baby owls grow up has been one of the highlights of our summer. As they moved from huddled together in the nest to independently leaping from branch to branch to flying, one parent was always nearby to guide and protect them. I observed the process for several weeks and found myself trying to imagine what Source must feel watching us grow up.

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