Marsha's Blog


Welcome to Marsha Hankins’ blog

“I hope you enjoy this combination of original posts, classic parables, and channeled messages that cover a wide range of spiritual topics. I always appreciate your feedback so please submit comments at the end of each post when it feels right for you.”

The Spiritual Aspects of Robotics

Have you considered the spiritual aspects of robotics? As technology continues to become a bigger influence in our lives, how we use robots and other devices will be essential to our evolution. Have you taken the time to contemplate the spiritual aspects of modern technology and what to do with it?

Postcards from Source 3

Sometimes we need an entire post and sometimes we just need a reminder of who we are. These postcards are short, channeled …

You Can Dissolve Pain and Let Go

Believe it or not, you can dissolve pain and let it go because it is a choice. It may not seem easy, but it is as simple as putting your pain into the perspective of the big picture of life experience and spiritual evolution. Remember that things are only as bad as you allow them to be.

Freedom Is not Easy is the USA

No, freedom is not easy. One of my favorite speeches is from the end of the movie The American President when the character of President Sheppard puts it on the line: "America isn't easy. America is advanced citizenship. You've gotta want it bad, 'cause it's gonna put up a fight. It's gonna say, 'You want free speech? Let's see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who's standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours.'

Using the Blowdown Method in 2021

The blowdown method can be scary. However, it is also a surefire method for creating change. When the winds have stopped, you keep what is standing, haul away the rest, and start rebuilding. Hurricanes come with an advanced warning, so one has at least some time to prepare. Tornados and flash floods can come with warnings but can also happen so quickly that there is little to no time to prepare. A blowdown from a microburst comes in the blink of an eye. No matter which “disaster” you encounter, change follows.

Postcards from Source 2

Sometimes we need an entire post and sometimes we just need a reminder of who we are. The postcards are short, channeled messages from Source. Remember who you are, Beloveds.

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