Marsha's Blog


Welcome to Marsha Hankins’ blog

“I hope you enjoy this combination of original posts, classic parables, and channeled messages that cover a wide range of spiritual topics. I always appreciate your feedback so please submit comments at the end of each post when it feels right for you.”

How is your stewardship today? Are you a good member of your community? These might be interesting questions because I find very few people understand what stewardship means or why it is important. However, it is an essential aspect of Divine Community and we all should evaluate our roles as stewards.

Which Dragon Will You Ride?

The lower-self longs for reunification with Source but is very attached to the appetites of the 3rd- dimensional world. The needs, wants, and desires of the physical illusion are not what will get us home. As Rumi notes, we have the powerful dragon of our worldly appetites and the powerful dragon of our soul’s energies. Which one is winning your fight?

Postcards from Source 5

Sometimes we need an entire post and sometimes we just need a reminder of who we are. These postcards are short, channeled messages from Source. Remember who you are, Beloveds.

If You want to change …

One of my favorite old jokes is, “How many therapists does it take to change a light bulb? One, but the light bulb really has to want to change.” Some believe that people never change, that human beings are incapable of change. Not true. However, people do have to want to change. We cannot be forced to go where we do not want to go.

What You are Looking for Does Not Exist

What are you looking for, and where do you think you will find it? One of the great spiritual one-liners is that all of our answers are inside ourselves. Is that where you are looking?

The Magic of Divine Hope

Divine Hope is not what most people believe hope to be. In 3rd-dimensional consciousness, hope is wanting something to happen and thinking or believing that it could. Many people hold positively to hope and others cling to hope with desperation. This means that sometimes hope lifts us up and sometimes it pulls us down.

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