Marsha's Blog


Welcome to Marsha Hankins’ blog

“I hope you enjoy this combination of original posts, classic parables, and channeled messages that cover a wide range of spiritual topics. I always appreciate your feedback so please submit comments at the end of each post when it feels right for you.”

Have I been ignoring important spiritual wisdom?

I recently heard a great line on a television show, "They say youth is wasted on the young but I believe that wisdom is wasted on the old.” The point was that the wisdom of the elders is most often ignored by the young. When we are young, we tend to think we know it all and can’t believe that those who have gone before us know what they are talking about. Sound familiar?

Why I Love Yogananda

Why do I love Yogananda? Because of the honesty and humility with which he shares his struggle in the early years of his life. Arrogant, stubborn, and a bit self-righteous as a youth, he still become one of our greatest spiritual masters.

Postcards from Source #10

Sometimes we need an entire post and sometimes we just need a reminder of who we are. These postcards are short, channeled messages from Source. Remember who you are, Beloveds.

The Parable of the Lion and Sheep

Are you a lion or a sheep? That is a good question. Perhaps this ancient parable will help you find your answer.

Undivided by Tim McGraw and Tyler Hubbard

You see, Billy got picked on at school For things he couldn't change He tried his best to play it cool But in the seventh grade You either fit right in or you don't fit That's just the cold hard truth I wish that I'd have been the friend That Billy never knew

Are You Taking the Leap or Waiting to Be Pushed?

Taking the leap can be scary. We have all stood on the precipice of some action, trying got decide whether or not we have the courage to take the leap. Even baby birds face this challenge.

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