Are you seeing unicorns yet? Are you using your psychic skills? Piercing the veil and seeing through to other dimensions is always fascinating. Human beings have many psychic skills. Clairvoyance is only one of them, but one that can help us shatter the illusion of 3rd-dimensional reality while having a lot of fun.
Seeing Unicorns
Recently my husband and I towed our trailer from Nevada to Colorado. The route took us through long stretches of Native American land where “free-range” means horses roam free instead of cattle.
As I watched the horses, I began to see every white horse as a unicorn. I was both delighted and amused as I had not had visions like this in a while. Mother Earth and her kingdoms exist in many dimensions, and the land of unicorns is one. As the days went by, I began to see every horse as a unicorn, and I still am today. It is a beautiful reminder of our interdimensional nature, the diversity of the universe, and our ability to break through the illusion of our physical surroundings.
I know many people consider this a bit of nonsense. I can understand because there was a time in my life when I would have thought so, too. However, as we move higher in frequency and open to our skills, we have experiences that cannot be denied – experiences that remind us of who we are as unlimited beings. Clairvoyance is only one of these experiences and one we can each develop with practice and time.
Many people push their extrasensory (or psychic) skills aside at first. If we have not been encouraged to accept this part of ourselves as real, we can feel that we are making it up, just imagining things, mentally imbalanced, or even possessed! But we are not. We are designed to transcend the 3rd-dimensional world. The sooner we each open to and develop our natural skills as beings of light, the sooner we will bring an end to the illusion of the Experiment in Duality. Besides, it is great fun!
Develop Your Psychic Skills
We have seven primary psychic skills that connect us to the invisible world around us and to our Souls, ourselves-as-Source :
- clairvoyance (seeing)
- clairaudience (hearing)
- empathy (feeling)
- kinesthetics (physical sensations)
- clairsentience or claircognizance (just knowing)
- clairscentric (sense of smell)
- clairsavorance or clairaugustance (sense of taste).
These “claires” take us beyond the physical world of the five human senses into the next dimension of who we are and who we will become. There are other subcategories to these seven, but the primary skills are the best place to start.
I find many people who have had brief experiences of their psychic skills but have discounted them as not real. If you have not embraced these extrasensory experiences for yourself yet, it is time to start. If you are already working with these gifts and talents, continue to develop them until you have mastered them completely. They are your future.
As time goes on, human beings will communicate more and more with each other and with the different dimensions via our psychic abilities. Begin to look for your “unicorns.” Get into a class, read a book, practice your skills, and discover more about who you are and your unlimited potential. The world of the invisible realms is so much fun and so educational. Don’t miss out. Expand yourself today.
Image by Gerhard Janson from