Several years ago, my mother had to deal with the aftermath of identity theft. Someone took her handbag with her IDs and began opening department store credit cards in another state. As I considered identity theft as a major issue worldwide, I realized this must be a significant mirror for all humanity. There are several big mirrors for all of us about our identities, but one stood out to me.
Shifting Out of Identity Theft
In Ginger Withee’s post “Seeing through the Illusion of Self-Identity,” she asked: What holds you back from identifying primarily as your Divine Self rather than your personality self in this body? While Ginger talks about the mirror of the lower-self’s need to maintain a separate identity over merging into Oneness, her question kept ringing in my ears as I considered my mother’s situation. I found myself asking, who stole our identity as Oneness with All That Is?
The answer, of course, is that we did. We each stole our own identity to join the Experiment in Duality on Earth. None of us are victims of identity theft. We did it to ourselves. We each stole our own identity to participate in the experiment in separation, which means we each have the power to take it back. You have the power to take back your identity as One with All That Is. You do not have to remain in your false identity unless you choose to do so.
Remember that the Experiment in Duality seemed a great idea when we came into it, and it has been a great learning experience in separation versus Oneness. We have learned that Oneness is better than separation and that love is better than anger and hatred. We have learned as much as we need to know from the darkness, and we can take back our true identities anytime we want. So, why not do it now?
Choose Your Divine Self
We have become comfortable in the experiment, and we are not always sure we want out. It is easy to get caught in a comfort zone. When one has played a role for so long, played a false identity for so long, one can find it intimidating to step out of it. As I shed old layers of my mistaken identity, I remember more of who I am as a true child of Source. I remember my beauty, my strength, my power, and more.
No one has a reason for remaining in the illusion except for fear of the unknown. No one has a reason for living a false identity except for fear of the change that will result. So, be brave and make it an adventure! Nothing changes until we are willing to make a change.
Shifting our identity from love to hate, from Oneness to separation, was our choice. It is not necessarily an easy choice to step out of that comfort zone, but we can shift back to our true identities as soon as we are willing to surrender the power of the illusion to the power of Divine truth.
We do not need TransUnion, Equifax, or Experian to clean up our credit with Source. Source has always known who we are, even if we forgot. You are always welcomed Home, debt-free! No one stole your identity. You packed it away in your spiritual suitcase and have been waiting for the time when you were ready to come Home.
Stop self-imposed identity theft and embrace the perfection of your light. Choose to love yourself and all others. It is as simple as wanting to remember who you are and allowing the false identity to fade away. Only you can reclaim your truth. No matter what spiritual practices you follow during this holiday season, give yourself the gift of reclaiming your identity—your identity as Divine Light and Love. You deserve it!
Be One today.