Spiritual Paradox

Are you stuck in spiritual paradox?

When we have our first awakening, everything seems so simple. Just be love. Speak my truth. Allow abundance to be my birthright. But, as we climb the staircase of full spiritual awakening, sometimes things get murky.

Crazy Spiritual Paradox

One reason the spiritual journey is simple but not easy is because of the many spiritual paradoxes. Here are just a few that people often ask me to explain:

  • Just be love, but we must love everyone unconditionally.
  • There is only divine truth, but truth is different at various levels of consciousness.
  • When we no longer want anything, we can have everything we want.
  • We only have to be, but we have to do things to learn how to be.
  • When we love being on Earth so much that we do not want to leave, we are free to ascend.
  • The experiment in duality creates more love and oneness through experiencing separation.
  • We chose to experience duality, but we cannot leave just because we don’t like it now.

Why do we have such paradoxes?

  1. If you remember the pyramids of consciousness, 5th dimensional consciousness is the opposite of 3rd dimensional consciousness. Our lower-selves can only comprehend the subtleties of divine truth based on our frequency at any point in time. Which means…
  2. We don’t know what we don’t know.
  3. And, as the teaching says, the further we go, the further we see we have to go.
Getting Unstuck

Here is my recommendation to reach higher levels of understanding the subtleties of spiritual paradox.

Get into a meditative state and ask your soul to give you the insight you need at this time for the paradox that has you puzzled. And, you will have more layers of wisdom to come as you continue the climb the spiritual staircase of frequencies.

Each step takes you higher. Even if it seems exasperating sometimes, just keep climbing. The last step is worth the effort!

Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

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