
When Freedoms Butt Heads

In the United States, we have just celebrated what we consider our Independence Day. July 4th is supposed to represent our freedom from foreign rule. But not everyone was free and not everyone appreciated what true freedom means.

Freedom is the goal for everyone on this planet, but what happens when freedoms butt heads?

What does Divine Freedom mean?

To master freedom and create lasting peace on the inner or the outer, we must be able to discern the balance of freedom and responsibility. What is in the highest good of all, not the highest good for me?

Most of us understand the definitions of freedom: the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint; absence of subjection to foreign domination or despotic government; the state of not being imprisoned or enslaved. We use words like independence, self-government, self-determination, and self-rule. But what happens when my rights infringe on yours? When your self-rule tramples on mine?

You can see that freedom is not as easy as we would like it to be. Lack of freedom moves people to anger and lash out. When one group thinks their freedoms are more important or more valid than another group’s, we have huge disruption, and even war.

So, how do we bring ourselves and others to look at balancing our freedoms with the freedoms of others? How do we apply responsibility to the whole of a community with the rights of all?

When Freedoms Butt Heads

We want to believe that democracy means freedom because everyone has, or should have, the right to vote. But the losers of an election still feel they have lost power and their rights.

Consensus is the highest solution, but it is challenging to learn. Consensus is not just compromising. It is a flow of give and take for the overall highest good of those involved. It takes time, patience, compassion, and wisdom to implement.

But when a group can come together to talk and understand each other, appropriate compromise can bring the resolutions that grant everyone the freedoms that protect the highest good of all. Tolerance and willingness to bend in order to allow for the needs and desires of others are essential.

For those of us who understand going to guidance, consensus and surrender is much easier. We know that our selves-as-Source have the answers for the highest good. We merely need to follow our guidance.

Sovereignty from the Outer World

Following our guidance is Divine Freedom. The lower-self may not see it that way when it is seeking ego gratification, but it absolves us from the outer world’s pressure and influence to do what other people want us to do. It gives us the chance to fully consider the needs of others from the divine perspective and trust the higher path.

Instead of trying to define freedom in the outer world, feel it in your heart by filling with resonances: divine freedom, sovereignty, consensus, understanding, compassion, and any others your soul recommends to you.

Be love and help bring freedom to everyone on this planet.

Image from Pixabay

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