Do you ever use the phrase, it is what it is? It has certainly been popular in the lightworker world since I began. But I learned quickly that it is what it is can be a key to freedom or a roadblock to perfection.
Freedom or Trap?
Many things happen in the world that we have no control over. Family, friends, corporations, governments make decisions that are not our creations, but we still have to deal with them. Being able to accept that some things just are what they are allows us to clear the buttons being pushed, ask for guidance on how to respond for the highest good, and be free of the responsibility for the creations of others.
However, using it is what it is to avoid our own issues or lack of action is a trap and blocks our spiritual perfection. Sometimes we try our best but can’t get over the hump. That’s okay because we know we tried. But other times we did not follow through, were too afraid, or just did not pay attention. Blowing it off with, “Oh well, it is what it is,” or “I guess it wasn’t supposed to happen,” is not standing in our power. We are better served when we own it, deal with it, and do our best.
So, when you say, “it is what it is,” ask if you are setting yourself free or holding yourself back. Knowing when to let go or when to get to work is huge for our mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay