world gone insane

Has the World Gone Insane?

Has the world gone insane? Is mass consciousness suffering from mental illness? In 2015, I wrote a post with this title because many people were asking those questions in light of world events. It may seem the craziness is getting worse instead of better, but let’s talk.

If you only look at the actions and what appear to be the motives, you can easily say that many segments of humanity have “lost it!” It can be frustrating and frightening. How do we deal with this? How do we heal this? Can we heal this?

I deal with it through the understanding that mass consciousness is going through a mental crisis, but one that is essential to our growth and the transformation of the world. I know that does not sound very comforting in the light of world chaos. You already know that chaos can bring out the best in humanity (as well as the worst) and can open the doors of opportunity. However, you might wonder why this is essential.

We Are Purging Toxins

Mass consciousness is in the process of purging old emotional and mental toxins the same way the physical body does during a cleanse. Decades of toxins have built up in most of our bodies because of poor eating habits, toxins in our food, water, and air. A good cleanse of fasting, juicing, herbs, or a special diet plan, releases the imprisoned toxins from our cells and pushes them through the body so that they can be released.

A deep cleanse will cause headaches, muscle and joint soreness, facial blemishes, diarrhea, and more, as toxins are released. It isn’t pretty, but it works. Once the body has been cleansed and adjusts to its new state of being, you feel great!

As humanity shifts into higher frequencies, all the beliefs, emotions, and behaviors of the old paradigm are being forced to the surface. As the light comes into the planet and into humanity, the old mental, emotional, and physical toxins are being pushed out to be eliminated. It is the equivalent of a physical cleanse.

What we are seeing on our planet now is not pretty. We are watching the outer world effects of centuries upon centuries of toxic beliefs in separation, and all the nasty emotions that emerge from those toxic beliefs, exploding to the surface to be healed. The learning curve is not easy.

How to Help a World Gone Insane

So, if we look at the outer world events and judge them by the usual standards, we could say that the world has gone insane. But, when we view the events of the world as stepping stones in our transformation, humanity is on the edge of a great shift.

Most people say it is just Pollyanna to believe we can heal the world’s issues by sending light and love to all of humanity. In truth, that is the only way to heal. Anger begets more anger. Violence begets more violence. Revenge begets more revenge. While many people in a variety of ways have said this, I am being guided to quote Martin Luther King, Jr.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

Holding the space of love and non-judgment is how we heal ourselves and how we help heal the world. Just as a sick child needs love and support, so does all of humanity. Standing tall and strong like the lighthouse that we are, is the only way to create lasting change in mass consciousness. Never underestimate the power of a prayer of love. If you have not already started, you can start today.

I also recommend Lori Rock’s post, Where Will You Live in 2025, for specific steps for disconnecting from mass consciousness. Thanks, Lori.

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