I rarely quote myself, but I have been guided to this line from my book several times this week. When something pops up this often, I feel I should share it.
“When we resolve the illusion that we are separate from Source, the illusion of the physical world will resolve itself.”
Most people focus on trying to resolve their energies around the physical world to rise above it. What if we focus on resolving the inner illusion and let the outer illusion simply disappear?
The Inner and Outer Illusions
We metaphysicians and physicists understand that the physical world is an illusion. We know physical cells break down into molecules, subatomic particles, and eventually small sparkles of light that science cannot yet explain. Our bodies and everything around us are merely energy brought into form. So, what is the purpose of being here if we are merely illusions?
This is a question as old as human consciousness. My answer is that we are here to use the outer illusion to help us heal the inner illusion that we separate from Source. When we heal the perception that there is anything other than our love and light, the purpose of the outer world will make perfect sense.
The fear of accepting the physical world as an illusion and the inner world as our only truth is that we do not remember ourselves as pure energy and love. When we are taught to remember who we are, this is what we must remember.
I rarely quote myself, but…
Lightworkers are anxiously awaiting the end of the breakdown so that we can break through and rebuild. So, consider this quote again.
“When we resolve the illusion that we are separate from Source, the illusion of the physical world will resolve itself.”
The true breakdown is not the breakdown of the outer world. It is not the collapse of the governments, corporations, or human systems. It is the breakdown of the inner illusion, the illusion of your separation from Source.
If this is true, where does your focus need to be now and always? It needs to be on the walls, buttons, and mirrors provided by the outer that allow you to heal the separation on the inner. Ascension is that simple.
Are you ready to allow the total breakdown of your inner world so that you can rebuild it as Source? Ready to become that true master you are? Are you ready to remember?
Image by Vicki Hamilton from Pixabay
Thank you Marsha, this is exactly what I need to hear today at this exact point in time.
Love and gratitude for all you do.
Sorry to take so long to answer. We just keep moving one step at a time. Love you and keeping shining.