divine sincerity

Living Divine Sincerity

Sincerity is one of the most important resonances in our lives as spiritual beings. Unfortunately, it is not always easy to sort through the words and deeds of other to know if they are being genuine or not. However, we can focus on ourselves, raise our frequencies, and model sincerity in our lives. But be aware, you’re going to find out that it’s more difficult than it seems.

Divine Sincerity

I do not say this in every post, but every post is intended for me as well as for you. So, when I was guided to write about Divine Sincerity, I started with the dictionary, as I usually do.

Sincerity is the quality of being free from pretense, deceit, or hypocrisy. If you consider this definition, sincerity probably means more that you thought it did. Most people think of sincerity as true caring. But it’s deeper meaning is being one hundred percent truthful—free of any form of lying. I don’t know if that surprises you, but it surprised me. Now come the questions of whether you have been as sincere as you thought and whether the people you listen to are truly sincere or not.

Pretense, deceit, and hypocrisy are very similar by definition:

  • Pretense is an attempt to make something that is not the case appear true.
  • Deceit is the action or practice of concealing or misrepresenting the truth.
  • Hypocrisy is the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one’s own behavior does not conform.

Understanding these energies is fairly simple. But how do you communicate with honesty and integrity while being mindful of someone else’s beliefs, situation, and feelings? As usual, it’s more difficult than it seems.

Becoming a master of sincerity requires exploring two areas. The first is healing yourself so that you can live in sincerity, and the second is conscious awareness of the energy and intention of others.

Becoming a Master

To learn what I still need to heal for myself, I was guided to ask the following.

  • The first question for everyone is, am I pretending to be someone or something I am not?
  • The more powerful question is, am I pretending not to be who I am? Am I hiding?

You might get yes or no to either or both, but they are excellent questions for self-evaluation.

I also recommend using your psychic skills and communication with Source to get your percent progress in various areas of sincerity. This list will be very personal and may be very long, but some examples to get you started are:

  • How much Divine Sincerity am I holding?
  • How much have I healed all hypocrisy?
  • How well do I speak truth, but with love and compassion?
  • How often do I believe others without checking with my guidance about their honesty and intentions?
  • What is gossip and what is truth?

The last two questions are critical to our mastery of communications with others. People have a tendency to trust a “trusted source” when that source might be so trustworthy. You may be guided to revisit my post on hypocrisy at What do we need to heal most now?

Divine Sincerity is a high level of skill. We want to be honest, yet caring and sensitive. We want to trust, but we must also be wise. Going to our guidance is always the answer. Your soul, your-Self as Source, knows how to guide you to mastering your sincerity and how to know the sincerity of others. Start with baby steps and keep moving. Remember that you are love…you are Source.

Image by Bruno from Pixabay

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