Wheel of Dharma

Getting Off the Wheel of Dharma

Round and round we go on the Wheel of Dharma as we move through the cycles of reincarnation. When does it end? You are already approaching the finish line.

The Wheel of Dharma

The Wheel of Dharma represents achieving the perfection of Buddhist teachings. The rim, the hub, and the spokes each have different meanings for our spiritual practices. We often use turning or spinning the wheel as a metaphor for moving through the many cycles of mastering these practices on the road to Ascension. Of course, we go through hundreds of thousands of lifetimes to reach mastery.

I am not a practicing Buddhist in this life, and I will not attempt to go further into the beautiful depths of this symbol. But I am using it as a metaphor for our cycles of reincarnation. How many times do we have to go around? As many as it takes to get it right.

You are much closer to getting off the Wheel of Dharma and moving on to Ascension than you probably feel. Spinning that wheel and moving to higher frequencies can leave you feeling a bit dizzy and, sometimes, disoriented. But never fear. You are approaching the finish line.

The Conga Line of Human Evolution

The Conga Line is another metaphor we use for how we became human inside the Experiment in Duality, and how we complete the journey. We each volunteered to come here to learn about our power and our light. We could not all come at once, so, after deciding to come to Earth, we lined up and began descending into the experiment. One beautiful light being after another, we shifted into human form and began the journey of many lifetimes of experience. We descended one at a time and will ascend one at a time by reversing the process.

Some lives have been more joyful than others, but each has been important. Each life allows us to raise our frequency as we learn and heal the illusion of separation. The number of experiences required depends on our willingness to surrender to our divine truth and let go of everything else.

How do you do that? By continuing to raise your frequency until you love it here so much, you no longer want to leave. By reaching the point of unconditional love so strong that you have nothing left to do but ascend.

Healing Our Density and Moving Back into Full Light

Recently, I reminded everyone to go back to the basics of whatever practice you follow. There are many spiritual philosophies and processes that can lead you through your ascension process to your ultimate surrender. The Wheel of Dharma represents the Buddhist way. The Mayan Ahau of christ consciousness represents to the Standing in the Light® way. If you follow a different practice, I am sure you have a symbol that will help you stay focused on the steps of moving back into full remembrance of yourself as light.

Embrace you who are and every experience of every lifetime. Each has been essential to arriving at this point of your evolution. Do not let frustration, impatience, or judgment distract you from the goal of unconditional love. Use as many spins of the wheel as you need and know that you are closer than you may feel.

Image by Divine Dorothee

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