present and reverent

Stay Present and Reverent in the Moment

To remind priests and students to stay present and reverent in the moment, many Buddhist temples have a special bell. When anyone in the temple becomes aware that they are not focused fully on what they are doing, or are worried about something, they can ring the bell to remind everyone to come back to center.

In today’s crazy world, we can all use one of those bells. Some of you have seen this poem by Thich Nhat Hanh because I have posted it many times. Once again, I am guided to share it as a reminder that when the world is in turmoil, we need to stay centered in who we are and focus on the truth of what is important.

The ability to be fully present and reverent in each moment is a skill every spiritual master practices. To quote the beloved Master Hanh:

“Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the world earth revolves – slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future.”

Do not get caught in the illusion of what is important or in the fear of what might happen. Do not give your power to the structure by which others live their lives. Instead, drink your tea slowly and know the importance of who you are in each moment. Be reverent in every thought and deed. Trust in the divine plan and let reverence be your focus this week, this month, this year.

Image by TerriC from

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