The theory of the frog in the pot has been around for over 100 years. While scientists still debate whether it is valid, the metaphor is important. Don’t be the frog in the pot!
The Frog in the Pot
Based on experiments from the 1800s on poor undeserving frogs, the theory is that a frog dropped into a boiling pot of water will immediately jump out. However, if put it in a pot of cool water which is slowly heated, the frog won’t notice the temperature difference and will eventually cook. Not a pleasant story, but one of which human beings can easily become a part.
The metaphor has been used across many fields of study to show that people ignore minor changes and fail to act until a situation becomes a crisis. Humans can be complacent, apathetic, naïve, and gullible. It often seems easier to not rock the boat, let someone else take the lead, or assume it won’t be a problem for me. We can be hoodwinked if we are not paying attention.
The phenomena can be personal, such as family and friends slowly changing in ways that affect our lives. Or it can be bigger, like changes in our workplaces, communities, economics, or politics that we accept without closely observing and questioning.
It is not always easy to live our lives and maintain awareness of what is happening around us. But if we pay attention to the seemingly small changes, we can take productive action before we find ourselves in crisis.
How not to be cooked
I hope everyone does a regular evaluation of where they are on their spiritual journey. We have so many aspects of our lives that it is easy to get sidetracked or not seeing something we need to address.
Start by getting into your meditative state, connecting with your inner guidance, and asking questions. These are a good start:
- Am I being complacent or lazy in some area of my life?
- Have I become malleable or gullible about something?
- Am I following along without all the information I might need?
- Have I taken the steps I need to take to keep myself headed toward my target?
- What slight changes in my life might be leading me in the wrong direction?
Pay attention to the answers and ask your soul about your highest plan.
- What do I need to clear on my inner world?
- Is there something I need to view from a different perspective?
- Do I need to take action in the outer world?
- Do I need to research anything or seek help from someone?
- Are there other changes I need to make?
Trust your guidance. Be sure you are following the right path for you. And, if needed, take a leap before it gets too hot in the pot.
Image by Zdeněk Chalupský from Pixabay