fully and completely loved

Are You Ready to Be Fully and Completely Loved?

When they first hear it, most people find this challenging, but our biggest fear is being fully and completely loved. Unconditional love is not just about loving others no matter what. It’s about allowing ourselves to be loved no matter what.

You are probably familiar with Marianne Williamson’s quote, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.”

We could easily rewrite this to reflect our fear of being loved—the fear that we are not worthy of the unlimited love of Source. Are you ready to let go of all conditions and allow yourself to be fully and completely loved?

What’s there it be afraid of?

Many years ago, a friend was driving home after a long, demoralizing day at work and feeling very depressed. She asked Spirit to let her feel loved and know she was okay. The wave of love that came over her was so intense that she had to pull off the road and sit for several minutes. As she told her story in a class later that week, she shared that the experience was both overwhelmingly joyful, and overwhelmingly terrifying.

Why? Because very few people on this planet have ever felt the intensity and expansiveness of pure unconditional love. While that love brings acceptance, freedom, and joy beyond human imagination, it is also intimidating and makes us feel vulnerable in ways we do not normally consider.

To love others unconditionally, we have to step beyond all judgments. We have to see beyond all beliefs, rules and regulations, expectations of right and wrong, outcomes and consequences. We have to allow all walls to crumble. That is much simpler than it is easy.

To allow ourselves to be loved unconditionally, like my friend experienced for a few moments, we have to surrender to our perfection, worthiness, and deserving. We have to accept that anything we judge in ourselves as less than perfect is meaningless to Source. Again, it is easier said than done.

Are you ready to accept everything in this 3rd-dimensional world as an illusion and accept that the only truth is love? Are you willing to see and experience yourself as divine perfection, no matter what you have ever thought, said, or done? I hope so because that space is where the truth of your Self, yourself-as-Source, resides. It is where you find your unlimited power to be and to create.

Are You Ready?

Two of the great spiritual one-liners are that we are pure love, and love is all there is. I know you understand the concept, but are you ready to let go of all you are and all you have ever been and allow yourself to be unconditional love?

It does not matter what you have done in this life or in other lives. All that matters is that you accept the experience as part of your learning and let it go. You have nothing to pay for, no amends to make, and no restitution or punishment. Are you ready to allow that for yourself and all others?

It is time to let go of the illusion of this reality and be the truth of your love. Praise all you have learned here, and let go. Surrender to the end of everything you have believed to be darkness and know only love. I know you want to do it, and I know you can.

Image by 1898502 from Pixabay.com

2 thoughts on “Are You Ready to Be Fully and Completely Loved?”

  1. Myron Des Jarlais

    Why did the religions pile on sin? We are perfect but sin. I am confused.

    1. Hey Myron – I don’t blame you for being confused. All religions have both divine and less than divine teachings, and most religions seek to control through fear of sin. It is easy to create fear through the concept of sin because the majority of humanity is still at the level of consciousness that cannot grasp that our “imperfections” are just part of our learning process. For example, one of Jesus’ purposes for his time on Earth was to counter the hellfire and brimstone teachings of the time. His words were about love, compassion, and forgiveness. Many people understand that but many are still stuck in the belief in an angry and judgmental God.

      Our job in this life is to transcend the old teachings and embrace a new way. We have to put aside the old and look to love and only love as the way to our light. It is not always easy because we hold judgments on ourselves because that is what we have been taught to do. When we can let go of the judgment we hold on ourselves, the judgments others try to put on us will not matter.

      Know that Source loves you unconditionally no matter what anyone or any religion tries to tell you. The concept of what is sinful is just a guideline to help us look at our behavior and try to be more loving toward ourselves and others. Hang in there, Myron. Love is on the way!

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