People often ask me, what do we need to heal most now? Or, what is our biggest problem right now? The answers, of course, depend on where we are energetical as individuals, a nation, and a planet.
This week, someone asked me that questikon again, and Spirit asked me to write about it. Spoiler alert. It is not a warm and fuzzy message, but one we all need to look into closely.
What do we need to heal most?
Hypocrisy is currently the biggest threat to our spiritual evolution, both as individuals and as a nation. It is what we need to heal most now. Many people would say it is intolerance, but the mirrors in hypocrisy are more critical and valuable for us.
We are living in the age of the pot calling the kettle black, do as I say and not as I do, and as long as I get what I want, it doesn’t matter what happens to you. You will see this attitude in environmental, social, and political issues. I could easily write a book on the current levels of hypocrisy here and around the world, but I will give only two examples as a starting point.
Individuals, groups, and the government in our country are pushing us into only electric vehicles as quickly as possible. At the same time, they are shutting down all lithium production in the United States because it is polluting. But lithium is required for the batteries of electric cars. In other words, we are going to clean up our environment, but it is perfectly fine for China, Pakistan, and other countries to pollute theirs for us to get what we want. That is not a spiritually balanced solution to the problem. Where is our responsibility in resolving this issue?
Wearing masks in the time of COVID is a controversial topic. I choose to wear mine, and others choose not to wear theirs. But politicians who vote for mandatory mask requirements but go anywhere they want without masks because the rules don’t apply to them are poster children for hypocrisy.
Where do you stand, and what do you do?
How do we heal hypocrisy?
The answer is simple, if not easy. Look at the issues, look at the mirrors, and start healing. You can do this.
I recommend getting into a meditative state and asking your soul to rate your overall progress on healing hypocrisy. You can approach this is in two ways. I suggest using both as a double-check.
- How much have I healed, meaning 100% is 100% healed.
- How much hypocrisy am I still holding, meaning 0% is 100% healed.
Hypocrisy is the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one’s own behavior does not conform; pretense. So, ask yourself these questions.
- Am I talking out of both sides of my mouth?
- Am I following people who are?
- Do I watch my behaviors and pay attention to when my words and actions are not in alignment.
- Do I take my share of the responsibility for resolving issues?
- What steps do I need to take to heal hypocrisy within myself?
Remember that your spiritual healing is a do-it-yourself project, and putting a BandAid over an abscess will not heal it. It will only allow it to fester and spread.
Look into the mirror with confidence. Find the courage for deep self-examination and become the great spiritual master you are. Keep shining the light and leading the way for others to find their way home, too. I love you all.
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