I was guided to write the first edition of Divine Justice: Healing through Love, Compassion, and Forgiveness in 2016 as part of the Standing in the Light® Master Series. This was the perfect topic for the series because we are often guided to write about what we need ourselves.
Divine Justice can be an easy concept to understand but not always easy to master. No matter how much we think we know, there is always more knowledge and wisdom to acquire. Every time we think we have it all figured out, the universe brings us another lesson that demonstrates how much more we have to learn. As our frequencies go higher, we naturally access higher levels of wisdom through a higher understanding of spiritual truth. It is a never-ending but fascinating process.
So, what is Divine Justice?
What is Divine Justice, and how is it different from what we do now? At first glance, it might not seem that there is any difference between 3-D and divine justice. Whether it is belief in heaven and hell, karmic balance sheet, or another system, most people believe in some form of an afterlife of rewards or punishments based on their performance. Divine Justice has nothing to do with these things.
Divine Justice is precisely what the subtitle says: healing through love, compassion, and forgiveness. None of the great masters taught punishment as a solution. They all believed in discipline, but that is not the same as punishment (even when it feels like it). Change comes through education, rehabilitation, and love.
Making the transition from what we have been taught to what we know as divine will not be easy. We have to overcome programmed behavior and learn to allow forgiveness, especially the forgiveness of ourselves. Divine Justice is forgiving ourselves for everything we think we have done wrong and letting ourselves heal through love. So, let your healing begin today with love, forgiveness, and compassion for yourself.
The Standing in the Light® Master Series
For many years, my group of teachers and students had monthly meetings for advanced spiritual study. These Mastery Groups were a form of continuing education for the spiritual journey. We were guided, for many reasons, to set these gatherings aside for a while. However, the importance of continuing to expand our awareness of ourselves as spiritual beings never ends. Lori Rock, Ginger Withee, and I were very excited when we were guided to renew the idea of our Master Groups in an e-book series. Our goal is to reach more people with some of the wisdom we have learned through our experiences as both students and teachers of the spiritual journey.
I am grateful to have contributed Divine Justice: Healing through Love, Compassion, and Forgiveness to this series. Moving through the stages of self-judgment is always interesting. I hope this book helps others fully heal and forgive.
Image by Devanath from pixabay.com