eve of destruction

Do You Remember The Eve of Destruction?

Are you old enough to remember the song “The Eve of Destruction“? Whether you recognize it or not, it is definitely worth looking up.

My husband came across this old song title while reading The Woods by Harlan Coben, and he decided to pull it up online. It was probably the first time we had listened to the words in almost 45 years. Amazingly, this brilliant protest song performed by Barry McGuire in 1965 is as pertinent today as it was then.

Yes, It’s Still Relevant

Whether you read the lyrics or listen to the song, the first thought probably is that nothing has changed in 56 years. It would certainly seem to many that we are on the eve of destruction. While the words still ring true, many things have changed–believe it or not.

Every time humanity moves through a destructive stage, it comes out of it at a higher frequency. It may not look that way, but it does. We settle in, integrate, and start our next phase of evolution a bit higher than we were before. The voices of change, peace and tolerance, have a chance to be heard, and we do make steps forward. When we enter the next phase of destruction, it is easy to believe that nothing has changed or we are worse than before. However, humanity makes progress each time.

We could certainly use the voices of a dozen Martin Luther King, Jr’s right now. The right and the left of almost every group in the world are screaming at each other so loudly that the voices of tolerance are not being heard. Are you one of those voices?

In 2012, James T. Patterson wrote The Eve of Destruction: How 1965 Transformed America. The crazy hippie types of the 1960s knew more than most Americans wanted to acknowledge. They were anchoring what we refer to as the frequency of Enlightenment. Enlightenment is defined here as the moment one truly wakes up to the knowledge that Source is inside and outside of us at the same time. This means we must all be One. It means that we are all brothers. The energy of the ’60s began shifting this country in many ways. (I explain this in greater detail in Awaken to Ascension.)

Healing the Eve of Destruction

We need a resurgence of the sentiment that brought these lyrics to us 56 years ago. We need to change the way we approach our challenges, the way we see ourselves and the world, and how we choose to relate to everyone.

When the masters teach us that our true nature is love, that our purpose is love, they are not blowing smoke up our skirts. The foundation of everything that we are is love. This does not mean that love is easy to master. We face multiple challenges to that mastery every day. All we can do is the best that we can do, evaluate ourselves (judgment-free, of course), and resolve to do as little better when the next challenge rolls around.

And the challenges will keep coming. We are evolving individually and collectively, but the challenge of seeing our mirrors in the illusion, holding our mastery, and modeling love will continue until all humanity is healed. To paraphrase Betty Davis in All About Eve, “Fasten your seatbelts; it’s going to be a bumpy ride.”

Whether we are on the eve of destruction or not, it is up to us to decide how we view the world and whether or not we want to step up to our divine service. I am not a proponent of marching in the streets unless, of course, you are guided to do so. If you are, go for it. If you are guided to write letters, do your work from your meditation chair, teach classes, or give speeches, go for it.

Whatever you do, do it with Unconditional Love. Put your energy into changing the world, not just complaining about it. 2021 can be another year to transform America. Love and Blessings for a bright and beautiful future.

“Eve of Destruction” was written by P. F. Sloan in 1964, released by Dunhill Records, and performed by Barry McGuire in 1965.

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